"Eight Decades in New Mexico" is a factual story of the life of a "native" New Mexican. It presents an exciting look at life in rural New Mexico from early twentieth century to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Those influences that govern the up bringing of a young man developing into adulthood and continuing into his "retirement years" are well documented.
"Eight Decades in New Mexico" is a factual story of the life of a "native" New Mexican. It presents an exciting look at life in rural New Mexico from ...
Jim Irwin's flowing prose depicts life in New Mexico from the 1920's forward. His insights and anecdotes illuminate the hard life of farmers and ranchers. That hasn't changed much but Jim's life has changed dramatically. From enormous successes to spectacular failures. Jim continues to find fulfillment each new day.
Jim Irwin's flowing prose depicts life in New Mexico from the 1920's forward. His insights and anecdotes illuminate the hard life of farmers and ranch...