Deep Search collects 13 texts which investigate the social and political dimensions of how we navigate the deep seas of knowledge. What do we win, and what do we lose when we move from an analogue to a digital information order? How is computer readable significance produced, how is meaning involved in machine communication? Where is the potential of having access to such vast amounts of information? What are the dangers of our reliance on search engines and are there any approaches that do not follow the currently dominating paradigm of Google? This volume answers these questions...
Deep Search collects 13 texts which investigate the social and political dimensions of how we navigate the deep seas of knowledge. What do ...
Rund um das Urheberrecht ist eine schrille, unversohnliche Debatte entbrannt. Bereits an den einfachsten Fragen scheiden sich die Geister: muss es abgeschafft, grundsatzlich uberarbeitet, oder einfach nur in seiner aktuellen Form gestarkt werden? Die Emotionalitat und Breite der Debatte sind weder wirtschaftlich noch rechtsdogmatisch begrundet, sondern primar ideologisch. Es geht um Grundsatzliches. Das Urheberrecht reguliert nicht nur einige Branchen, sondern es reprasentiert eine ganze kulturelle Epoche, die Gutenberg Galaxis. Dabei geht es um eine umfassende, historisch gewachsene...
Rund um das Urheberrecht ist eine schrille, unversohnliche Debatte entbrannt. Bereits an den einfachsten Fragen scheiden sich die Geister: muss es abg...
Our daily lives, our culture and our politics are now shaped by the digital condition as large numbers of people involve themselves in contentious negotiations of meaning in ever more dimensions of life, from the trivial to the profound.
Our daily lives, our culture and our politics are now shaped by the digital condition as large numbers of people involve themselves in contentious neg...
Our daily lives, our culture and our politics are now shaped by the digital condition as large numbers of people involve themselves in contentious negotiations of meaning in ever more dimensions of life, from the trivial to the profound.
Our daily lives, our culture and our politics are now shaped by the digital condition as large numbers of people involve themselves in contentious neg...