Set in France during the Dark Ages, where the good Count Richard has mysteriously disappeared and the usurper Albert and his evil wife Brunchilda reign tyrannically in his place, "The Animated Skeleton" is a masterpiece of Gothic horror. Brunchilda has marked out the unfortunate peasants Jacquemar and Grodern for her vengeance, but her plots will be foiled by the animated skeleton that haunts the castle, a skeleton which just may hold the key to Richard's fate A bestseller when first published in 1798, "The Animated Skeleton" features an unusual blend of horror and dark comedy unlike any...
Set in France during the Dark Ages, where the good Count Richard has mysteriously disappeared and the usurper Albert and his evil wife Brunchilda reig...
Set in the violent times of Edward III, when England is at war against the Scots and the French, The Mystery of the Black Tower is the story of young Leonard, who longs to escape the anonymity of his peasants life. Seeking to win fame and renown, Leonard enlists in Englands army, where he earns knighthood and the favour of the King.
But when his true love, the beauteous Emma, is kidnapped and imprisoned in the haunted Black Tower, Leonard must save her. Aided by his loyal but cowardly squire Owen, Leonard will face a series of adventures along the way. Finally, he will have...
Set in the violent times of Edward III, when England is at war against the Scots and the French, The Mystery of the Black Tower is the story of...
"The sound approached towards him -- the chains rattled vehemently; scarcely had he sprung from his chair, and seized his sword, ere the door flew open, and a spectre, whose arms and legs were fastened with heavy chains, with a naked body covered with wounds, from which the blood still seemed to gush, with clotted hair and eyes dripping with blood, rendered visible by a flame which burnt on the crown of its head, replete with purple gashes, stood before him."
In The Castle of Ollada, the first novel by Gothic master Francis Lathom, young Altador seeks to solve the mystery of...
"The sound approached towards him -- the chains rattled vehemently; scarcely had he sprung from his chair, and seized his sword, ere the door flew ope...
"He drew aside the covering which concealed the face of the subject...guess, if you can, the horror, the astonishment, when, in the countenance of the deceased, I beheld my own mother " The worthy doctor Urbino di Cavetti is kidnapped and led blindfolded to the bedside of a young woman. A mysterious nobleman offers him an immense fortune if he will consent to cure her...of her life Horrified, Urbino refuses to murder her, and must flee his native Venice with his family to avoid the powerful stranger's vengeance. They flee to the isolated Castello della Torvida, which local peasants...
"He drew aside the covering which concealed the face of the subject...guess, if you can, the horror, the astonishment, when, in the countenance of the...
"The unfortunate Rosalina St. Almo is torn from her father's arms by vicious banditti, who slaughter her father before her eyes. Fortunately she is rescued from the villains by young Rosalva di Barozzi, who takes her to his father's palace in Venice. But more terror awaits her there when a hideous sorceress at a masked ball prophesies her doom! Is the mysterious sorceress trying to help Rosalina escape her enemies' clutches, or is she scheming to sacrifice her in a demonic ritual? Can Rosalina evade the assassins sent to destroy her and solve the mystery of the sorceress in time? This edition...
"The unfortunate Rosalina St. Almo is torn from her father's arms by vicious banditti, who slaughter her father before her eyes. Fortunately she is re...
"His foot struck against something, he stumbled, and had nearly fallen; he stooped to examine what it was, and his hand rested on the face of a human being, cold, putrid, and clammy " Young Edgar's father, the noble Baron Fitz-Elmar, has been mysteriously slain, and his uncle, the scheming Sir Armine, rules in his place. Determined to retain power, Armine will stop at nothing to destroy Edgar, who stands to inherit the castle. Now Edgar must flee his tyrannical uncle and outrun the murderous army of assassins sent to kill him. His flight will lead him, on a dark and stormy night, to a ruined...
"His foot struck against something, he stumbled, and had nearly fallen; he stooped to examine what it was, and his hand rested on the face of a human ...
Domestic tranquillity reigns at the castle of Lord Alwynd, where the noble lord lives in happiness with his two adopted children, William and Agatha, his cousin Celwold, and Celwold's ward, Edward. But their peace is threatened when Alwynd is summoned to battle against the treacherous De Stacey. On his way to war, Alwynd meets the wizard Martyn of Fenrose, but even the magical sword he gives to Alwynd is not enough to save the hero from death Now William, Agatha, and Edward find themselves wholly in the power of the scheming Celwold and his cruel concubine, Lady Mercia. The three youths,...
Domestic tranquillity reigns at the castle of Lord Alwynd, where the noble lord lives in happiness with his two adopted children, William and Agatha, ...
"The mysterious and singular appearance of Valfroni, joined with the immense deformity of his person, rendered him an object at once dreaded and avoided. His stature was singularly formed-misshapen, embodied with an enormous hump, and altogether so distorted and hideous, that he had sustained the general denomination of the Demon Dwarf. A large sable cloak invariably shrouded his figure; a hat, suspending a heavy plume of black feathers, partly concealed a ghastly and repulsive countenance . . . ."
On the Eve of St. Rosalia, Count Reo Cardoni is ambushed by assassins, who inflict on him a...
"The mysterious and singular appearance of Valfroni, joined with the immense deformity of his person, rendered him an object at once dreaded and avoid...