What informs the process of remembering and forgetting? Is it merely about our capability to store and retrieve experiences in a purely functional sense? What about 'collective memories', not just those of the individual - how do these manifest themselves in the passages of time?
The authors present a new, fascinating insight into the social psychology of experience drawing upon a number of classic works (particularly by Frederick Bartlett, Maurice Halbwachs & Henri Bergson) to help develop their argument. The significance of their ideas for developing a contemporary...
What informs the process of remembering and forgetting? Is it merely about our capability to store and retrieve experiences in a purely functional sen...
Designed to serve as the first point of reference on the subject, Comprehensive Chemometrics presents an integrated summary of the present state of chemical and biochemical data analysis and manipulation. The work covers all major areas ranging from statistics to data acquisition, analysis, and applications.
This major reference work provides broad-ranging, validated summaries of the major topics in chemometrics--with chapter introductions and advanced reviews for each area. The level of material is appropriate for graduate students as well as active researchers seeking a...
Designed to serve as the first point of reference on the subject, Comprehensive Chemometrics presents an integrated summary of the present s...