"Although the probability of a domestic bioterrorist attack has been considered to be low, some characteristics of biological agents may make them appealing to terrorist. The information for the production of agents is readily available on the Internet, and the agents are relatively easy to grow and conceal. According to intelligence agencies, the possibility that terrorists may use chemical or biological materials may increase over the next decade." - Results in Brief, BIOTERRORISM: The National Preparedness & Activities Despite federal efforts, significant concerns exist regarding...
"Although the probability of a domestic bioterrorist attack has been considered to be low, some characteristics of biological agents may make them app...
"Cutting off terrorists' funding is essential to deterring terrorist operations. The USA PATRIOT Act expanded the ability of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to access and share financial information regarding terrorist investigations, but terrorists may have adjusted their activities by increasing use of alternative financial mechanisms." - Why GAO Did This Study, Terrorist Financing This report originally issued by the U.S. General Accounting Office finds that terrorists use many alternative-financing mechanisms to earn, move, and store assets. They earn assets by selling...
"Cutting off terrorists' funding is essential to deterring terrorist operations. The USA PATRIOT Act expanded the ability of law enforcement and intel...