Sometimes grim, sometimes uproarious, and always captivating, Iceland's Bell by Nobel Laureate Halldor Laxness is at once an updating of the traditional Icelandic saga and a caustic social satire. At the close of the 17th century, Iceland is an oppressed Danish colony, suffering under extreme poverty, famine, and plague. A farmer and accused cord-thief named Jon Hreggvidsson makes a bawdy joke about the Danish king and soon after finds himself a fugitive charged with the murder of the king's hangman. In the years that follow, the hapless but resilient rogue Hreggvidsson becomes a...
Sometimes grim, sometimes uproarious, and always captivating, Iceland's Bell by Nobel Laureate Halldor Laxness is at once an updating of the tr...
"Oddny Eir is an authentic author, philosopher and mystic. She weaves together diaries and fiction. She is the writer I feel can best express the female psyche of now and has bridged the gap between rural Iceland and Western philosophy. A true pioneer " --Bjork The winner of the EU Prize for Literature, Land of Love and Ruins introduces a daring new voice in international fiction: Oddny Eir. In the wake of Iceland's financial crisis, a young author, recently separated and feeling out the uncertain terrain of a new relationship, finds herself questioning the...
"Oddny Eir is an authentic author, philosopher and mystic. She weaves together diaries and fiction. She is the writer I feel can best express the f...