As tourism matures as an academic subject and the number of tourism higher education providers continues to expand world-wide, there is an increasing interest in its educational aspects. At the same time the development of research into education issues related to tourism means that there is now a developing literature on the subject. This international handbook offers a timely evaluation of the sate of the art of tourism higher education.
The book brings together expert contributors from around the world to present current thinking and practice about what is now...
As tourism matures as an academic subject and the number of tourism higher education providers continues to expand world-wide, there is an increasing ...
This book aims to be a showcase for cutting edge research offering a high-edited selection of the best paper submitted to the 2006 tourism conference at the University of Surrey, which itself is a celebration of 40 years of tourism education at the University. The emphasis of the book is on contributions which offer new insights and approaches to tourism research rather than case studies or applications of existing research methods to new contexts, and this is where the book is unique.
This book aims to be a showcase for cutting edge research offering a high-edited selection of the best paper submitted to the 2006 tourism conference ...
Tourism in China has grown rapidly since the country started implementing its open-door policy in 1978. Tourism development is now an essential agenda item for the Chinese government's plan for economic & social growth. Policy and policy-making for tourism therefore provides the essential background to understand tourism development in China.
This is the first book to set the development of tourism in China since 1949 in its policy context. Underpinned by a strong conceptual framework, this systematic study of China contributes to an in-depth understanding of how public...
Tourism in China has grown rapidly since the country started implementing its open-door policy in 1978. Tourism development is now an essential age...