"Nicaraguan Odyssey" is the story of an American Duster pilot who with his two pilot companions and their airplanes, make the journey to a very unstable country in Central America, Nicaragua, in 1953. The old adage of just getting there, is one half of the story. Tropical storms, revolutions in progress, holiday revelry and third world methods, slow the progress of the trip. However, after persevering through all of their trials and tribulations they arrive to find themselves welcomed by a very generous and loving group of people who make every effort possible to keep them happy and well...
"Nicaraguan Odyssey" is the story of an American Duster pilot who with his two pilot companions and their airplanes, make the journey to a very unstab...
Prairie Princess is a love story about an exotically beautiful and dynamic Okashee Indian Princess named Princess Dawn. She is the daughter of Red Horse, the tribal Chieftain, and her French mother, Elena Boudreau. Elena has named her Dawn because of the radiant beauty she possesses. Princess Dawn falls in love with a Scotch-Irish horse-trainer, Buckley Trimble, from Windfall, Indiana, who is training horses for the World Famous, '777 Wild West Show and Rodeo which is headquartered near Ponca City, Oklahoma. They marry not long after meeting at the corral where the Princess begins helping...
Prairie Princess is a love story about an exotically beautiful and dynamic Okashee Indian Princess named Princess Dawn. She is the daughter of Red Hor...