"During my time away, I included in letters to Sybil stories that she could read to our children. I felt that they would be thrilled to read of adventures that included themselves as the primary characters. Fortunately, Sybil saved all of my letters, which after these many years I have finally compiled. Those times were much more difficult for Sybil than for me. She had to raise four little children and worry about me too. It was even more difficult for her as she was living in a civilian environment where most people's contact with the Vietnam conflict was to read about it in the papers or...
"During my time away, I included in letters to Sybil stories that she could read to our children. I felt that they would be thrilled to read of advent...
"During my time away, I included in letters to Sybil stories that she could read to our children. I felt that they would be thrilled to read of adventures that included themselves as the primary characters. Fortunately, Sybil saved all of my letters, which after these many years I have finally compiled. Those times were much more difficult for Sybil than for me. She had to raise four little children and worry about me too. It was even more difficult for her as she was living in a civilian environment where most people's contact with the Vietnam conflict was to read about it in the papers or...
"During my time away, I included in letters to Sybil stories that she could read to our children. I felt that they would be thrilled to read of advent...