The reconstructive surgery of posttraumatic deformities has made significant advances in recent years. Reports on technical progress and clinical results are encouraging, even though they have often raised patient expectations to an unrealistic level. The operative methods available to us today enable corrective osteotomies to be performed with a high degree of accuracy and success. Precisely because the sequelae of trauma are so difficult to schematize, every case must be evaluated individually based on a critical assessment of subjective complaints, diagnosis and prognosis before a decision...
The reconstructive surgery of posttraumatic deformities has made significant advances in recent years. Reports on technical progress and clinical resu...
The rigid internaI fixation of mandibular fractures has become a widely ac cepted practice among European surgeons. The caution or even outright re jection voiced at a congress of the German Society of Maxillofacial Sur 1970s is no longer prevalent. Through a process of geons held in the late critical review and implementation, rigid internaI fixation has become an established treatment modality at numerous centers, especially in Switzer land, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Netherlands. By comparison, the method has received very little attention in North America and the Anglo-Saxon...
The rigid internaI fixation of mandibular fractures has become a widely ac cepted practice among European surgeons. The caution or even outright re je...
For more than 100 years, congenital dislocation of the hip has been an area of concern in orthopedics. This publications on the subject are al most too numerous to count. Yet our knowledge of the basic principles of congenital hip dislocation and its management is constantly being expanded by new research. In Germanspeaking countries, Kaiser pub lished the last comprehensive textbook on congenital hip dislocation in 1958, and Schlegel followed with a comprehensive handbook in 1961. In the Angloamerican world, Coleman's monograph was pub lished in 1978, Somerville's in 1982, and Wilkinson's in...
For more than 100 years, congenital dislocation of the hip has been an area of concern in orthopedics. This publications on the subject are al most to...
Very thorough knowledge of breast pathology is a sine qua non for interpretation of breast films ... progress in X-ray diagnosis could only be made by careful comparison of the film with the actual specimen. H.INGLEBY Multiplication of the same e"oneous diagnosis does not make that diagnosis co"ect. J.G.AzZOPARDI Paradoxically enough, our specialty considers the radiologist who mis takes a skin fibroma or the calcifications in a sponge kidney for a kid ney stone to lack basic knowledge, while the radiologist who imme diately calls for the surgeon because of a few white spots on a mammogram is...
Very thorough knowledge of breast pathology is a sine qua non for interpretation of breast films ... progress in X-ray diagnosis could only be made by...
Since 1958 the Association for the Study of Internal Fixation (ASIF) has worked to establish the experimental and biomechanical prin ciples of the operative treatment of fractures. It has been proven that immediate, pain-free mobilization, made possible by stable internal fixation, is the key to restoring function in a fractured extremity. The same principles were applied in 1972173 by Roland Schmoker, who developed a universal plate and sophisticated instrument set designed initially for the treatment of comminuted fractures of the mandible. To extend the applications of his plate to...
Since 1958 the Association for the Study of Internal Fixation (ASIF) has worked to establish the experimental and biomechanical prin ciples of the ope...
The acute abdomen is one of the most frequent, most dangerous and most difficult problems that the diagnostic radiologist has to deal with. This comprehensive manual presents a clinico-radiologic approach to the use of diagnostic imaging techniques for acute abdominal conditions. Imaging techniques, radiologic symptoms and clinical conditions are treated separately. This lucid format, together with a detailed subject index, offer the reader a quick and reliable reference aid in daily practice. The text is clearly structured and concise in style, and provides helpful practical hints, including...
The acute abdomen is one of the most frequent, most dangerous and most difficult problems that the diagnostic radiologist has to deal with. This compr...
Sonography is a noninvasive diagnostic method that has gained an established place in many branches of medicine. Although the inability of ultrasound to penetrate bone delayed its application in the orthopedic field, the successful work of R. Graf in the early detection of pediatric hip disorders with ultra sound has served as an impetus for the increasing use of sonogra phy to detect and evaluate abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system. It is certain that further advances in this modality will be forth coming, and that sonography will be applied to new lines of inves tigation in...
Sonography is a noninvasive diagnostic method that has gained an established place in many branches of medicine. Although the inability of ultrasound ...
It is a great pleasure and honor to be asked to participate in the translation of this important and historical volume on thoracic surgery and to provide this foreword. Martin Kirschner of Mannheim/Heidelberg was an early pioneer in thoracic and esophageal surgery. His operation for bypass of the esophagus using the entire stomach remains a standard of the surgical armamentarium to this date. The original Kirschner Textbook of Surgery was a standard in its day. We are fortunate that Professors H. Pichlmaier and F.W. Schildberg and other colleagues have provided us with this important modern...
It is a great pleasure and honor to be asked to participate in the translation of this important and historical volume on thoracic surgery and to prov...