AACN Protocols for Practice: Noninvasive Monitoring delineates the evidence for using devices for noninvasive patient monitoring of blood pressure, heart rhythms, pulse oximetry, end-tidal carbon dioxide, and respiratory waveforms. These protocols guide clinicians in the appropriate selection of patients for use of the device, application of the device, initial and ongoing monitoring, device removal, and selected aspects of quality control.
AACN Protocols for Practice: Noninvasive Monitoring delineates the evidence for using devices for noninvasive patient monitoring of blood pressure, he...
Care Of Mechanically Ventilated Patients Guides Clinicians' Practice In The Following Categories: Airway Management, Modes And Methods Of Mechanical Ventilation, Weaning, Sedation And Neuromuscular Blockade, Nutrition Support, And Home Care Management Of Ventilator-Assisted Patients. Each Protocol Guides Clinicians In The Appropriate Selection Of Patients, Use And Application Of Management Principles, Initial And Ongoing Monitoring, Discontinuation Of Therapies Or Interventions, And Selected Aspects Of Quality Control.
Care Of Mechanically Ventilated Patients Guides Clinicians' Practice In The Following Categories: Airway Management, Modes And Methods Of Mechanical V...