Von der Audiometrie uber die Recurrensparese zum Zenkerdivertikel, der Lenarz/Boenninghaus erklart Ihnen die HNO in einfacher und sachlicher Sprache. Dabei wird bei der Anatomie und Physiologie angefangen, damit Sie die topographischen Zusammenhange im Blick behalten. Die manchmal komplizierten Untersuchungsmethoden werden ausfuhrlich dargestellt, die Krankheitsbilder systematisch beschrieben.
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Extra Kapitel Leitsymptome und...
HNO von A bis Z
Von der Audiometrie uber die Recurrensparese zum Zenkerdivertikel, der Lenarz/Boenninghaus erklart Ihnen die HNO in ei...
Sichern Sie sich diesen einzigartigen aktuellen Gesamtuberblick - DAS Buch zum Thema von den renommiertesten Fachexperten Deutschlands Verstandlich und praxisnah geschrieben, bietet es Ihnen ausfuhrliche Handlungsanleitungen fur die adaquate Versorgung, die Vordiagnostik und die Rehabilitation Ihrer Patienten. Der State-of-the Art, didaktisch hervorragend und mit exzellentem Bildmaterial ausgestattet."
Sichern Sie sich diesen einzigartigen aktuellen Gesamtuberblick - DAS Buch zum Thema von den renommiertesten Fachexperten Deutschlands ...
During the last years computational methods lead to new approaches that can be applied within medical practice. Based on the tremendous advances in medical imaging and high-performance computing, virtual testing is able to help in medical decision processes or implant designs. Current challenges in medicine and engineering are related to the application of computational methods to clinical medicine and the study of biological systems at different scales.
Additionally manufacturers will be able to use computational tools and methods to predict the performance of their medical devices...
During the last years computational methods lead to new approaches that can be applied within medical practice. Based on the tremendous advances in...
Current challenges in medicine and engineering are related to the application of computational methods to clinical medicine and the study of biological systems at different scales.Additionally manufacturers will be able to use computational tools and methods to predict the performance of their medical devices in virtual patients.
Current challenges in medicine and engineering are related to the application of computational methods to clinical medicine and the study of biologica...
This book provides an overview of new mathematical models, computational simulations and experimental tests in the field of biomedical technology, and covers a wide range of current research and challenges.
This book provides an overview of new mathematical models, computational simulations and experimental tests in the field of biomedical technology, and...