There can be little doubt that ours is a society riding the crest of vast and profound social and economic change. The material conditions and social landscapes through which we experience our lives are increasingly an unchartered sea of unanticipated shift and hidden consequence and many of us have the unsettling feeling that we are out of our depth. It is natural to respond to this rapid and fundamental change with concern, particularly when many of the enduring keystones of our lives have been problematized. Family is one such keystone. Family-and its apparent decline-is a topic of great...
There can be little doubt that ours is a society riding the crest of vast and profound social and economic change. The material conditions and social ...
The most pressing challenge facing contemporary educators and social theorists is how to deal with new configurations of family without slipping into nostalgia or deficit models. New Times: New Families reframes the nuclear family in a way that will challenge traditional theorizations. It takes the reader on a wide-ranging journey towards a new kind of family, drawing upon theorists such as Bourdieu, Wilden, and Deleuze & Guattari. Unlike other family' oriented texts, this book reframes family in provocative and unexpected ways. As a result it has the potential to elicit vigorous debate...
The most pressing challenge facing contemporary educators and social theorists is how to deal with new configurations of family without slipping into ...