Post Traumatic Stress Disorder an issue that many have suffered. Few individuals understand unless you have been there. In all our lives trauma has affected our families in one way or other; be it war, accidents, abuse or a 9/11 are only a few examples. "A Vietnam vet's wife fights a long battle with her husband's post-traumatic stress disorder in this poignant memoir...although (her husband) bore no physical scars from his year in combat, ...Over the decades ( his) illness took a heavy toll...King draws a subtle, layered portrait of her lost soul of a husband...With America's latest...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder an issue that many have suffered. Few individuals understand unless you have been there. In all our lives trauma has af...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder an issue that many have suffered. Few individuals understand unless you have been there. In all our lives trauma has affected our families in one way or other; be it war, accidents, abuse or a 9/11 are only a few examples. "A Vietnam vet's wife fights a long battle with her husband's post-traumatic stress disorder in this poignant memoir...although (her husband) bore no physical scars from his year in combat, ...Over the decades ( his) illness took a heavy toll...King draws a subtle, layered portrait of her lost soul of a husband...With America's latest...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder an issue that many have suffered. Few individuals understand unless you have been there. In all our lives trauma has af...