The popular notion of a lone scientist privately toiling long hours in a laboratory, striking upon a great discovery, and announcing it to the world is a romanticized fiction. Vincent Kiernan's Embargoed Science reveals the true process behind science news: an elite few scholarly journals control press coverage through a mechanism known as an embargo. The journals distribute advance copies of their articles to hundreds and sometimes thousands of journalists around the world, on the condition that journalists agree not to report their stories until a common time, several days later. When the...
The popular notion of a lone scientist privately toiling long hours in a laboratory, striking upon a great discovery, and announcing it to the world i...
A dissertation is the crowning achievement of years of graduate study. But many graduate students struggle long hours with formatting their dissertations properly. This book guides a graduate student, step by step, thorough the process of using Microsoft Word to produce a dissertation that meets the requirements of the student's graduate school -- the first time it's submitted. Throughout, the book uses real-world examples of formatting requirements from actual graduate schools, and is amply illustrated to provide a visual guide to working through Microsoft Word. Tips and tricks about Word...
A dissertation is the crowning achievement of years of graduate study. But many graduate students struggle long hours with formatting their dissertati...