What are the most effective therapies in complementary and alternative medicine? How can they be used to prevent illness and enhance the quality of life? What is the scientific evidence of their safety and effectiveness? And finally, for which medical conditions do they work best? Faced with an overwhelming availability of treatments and an even more bewildering array of claims and counterclaims, every American health consumer and practitioner needs guidelines he or she can trust. Based on an enormous body of research, including new research funded by the National Institutes of Health,...
What are the most effective therapies in complementary and alternative medicine? How can they be used to prevent illness and enhance the quality of li...
Until now, trial and error has been the way most of us experiment with alternative healing techniques like vitamins, herbal supplements, and acupuncture. Other books offer encyclopedic information on different therapies. But, it is possible to create a personalized, holistic plan that works. Only Getting Whole, Getting Well shows you how to choose and use the ones that are right for you. No guesswork. No wandering in the wilderness. If you've been disappointed in your results or confused about the multitude of options available, learn how to adopt the total healing mindset necessary for...
Until now, trial and error has been the way most of us experiment with alternative healing techniques like vitamins, herbal supplements, and acupunctu...