When Oskar Reinhart (1885 1965) bequeathed a significant part of his remarkable art collection chiefly of French nineteenth-century painting but also containing a number of outstanding Old Masters to the Swiss nation, he did so on condition that the works of art would never be loaned. As a consequence the many very important works in the collection have not been discussed in major exhibition catalogues and have not received the scholarly attention they deserve. This volume, with full entries on the entire collection of 207 works by 45 leading scholars in their field, both American and...
When Oskar Reinhart (1885 1965) bequeathed a significant part of his remarkable art collection chiefly of French nineteenth-century painting but also ...
Bereits in der Barockzeit galt Geertgen tot Sint Jans, der bei den Haarlemer Johannitern gelebt hatte und um 1495 in noch jungen Jahren gestorben war, als eigentlicher Gründervater der nordniederländischen Malerei. Unter den wenigen erhaltenen Werken, die mit ihm in Verbindung gebracht werden, gibt es vier Anbetungen der Könige. Die Version in der Sammlung Oskar Reinhart »Am Römerholz« in Winterthur hat das größte Format. Ihre Restaurierung und die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse geben Anlaß, ineiner Publikation alle vier Werke einander gegenüberzustellen und vergleichend zu...
Bereits in der Barockzeit galt Geertgen tot Sint Jans, der bei den Haarlemer Johannitern gelebt hatte und um 1495 in noch jungen Jahren gestorben war,...
Scripta Manent. Art Without History? Aesthetics-Driven Collecting in Europe and America Files from the International Symposium at the Oskar Reinhart Collection Am Romerholz on September 7 and 8, 2012 In the late nineteenth century, renowned collectors in Europe and America no longer built their collections according to historical or geographical, but instead according to purely aesthetic criteria. Important collections with strong preferences for Impressionism grew out of this idea. The concept of art of Oskar Reinhart, too, was shaped by it. Renowned experts provide a detailed analysis of...
Scripta Manent. Art Without History? Aesthetics-Driven Collecting in Europe and America Files from the International Symposium at the Oskar Reinhart C...