In Brighten Cambridge's first novella, A Father's Son, he discovers the essence of spiritual destiny and the impact it has on readers everywhere. A Father's Son devours the spirit of what it means for a young man to destroy the image of his abusive father and to accept a Heavenly Father that he has never known. The greatest survival for Paul, the protagonist of the novella, is of the soul and of the mind, not the abuse inflicted upon him. The conflict of our souls are the battles we never win. Paul must be reconciled with his past to find resolutions with what he has done and suffered....
In Brighten Cambridge's first novella, A Father's Son, he discovers the essence of spiritual destiny and the impact it has on readers everywhere. A Fa...
When we are young children we believe everything will last and remain. It is only when we grow to adults that we come to realize our fault in not understanding that things change and fade with the passing of time. The New America is a place that has already been discovered by humankind, but its vastness cannot be measured; the exploration of the novel domain can, however, reveal a newer, truer thing than before, or what has already been abandoned by another. The strange New America is within us all and with each thought- old and new, foreign and domestic- a greater force it becomes, uniting...
When we are young children we believe everything will last and remain. It is only when we grow to adults that we come to realize our fault in not unde...
When we are young children we believe everything will last and remain. It is only when we grow to adults that we come to realize our fault in not understanding that things change and fade with the passing of time. The New America is a place that has already been discovered by humankind, but its vastness cannot be measured; the exploration of the novel domain can, however, reveal a newer, truer thing than before, or what has already been abandoned by another. The strange New America is within us all and with each thought- old and new, foreign and domestic- a greater force it becomes, uniting...
When we are young children we believe everything will last and remain. It is only when we grow to adults that we come to realize our fault in not unde...