The true definition of the word 'War" per various defining sources is: 'A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties." And a true definition of the word 'Nurse" per various defining sources is: 'A person educated and trained to care for the sick or disabled." I chose to become a part of the second definition. My main being in life besides that of a family member is to help another human being to become well or to assist them to gain the ability to care for themselves doing their disabling times. Never would I have thought that my career would...
The true definition of the word 'War" per various defining sources is: 'A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, s...
Authors From Around the World 26 Loretta Scott Patricia Rife
An anthology of 26 diverse stories of peace - achieving peace inwardly, through social activism or through inter-personal dialogue, enjoy the inspirational stories of peace makers such as Gandhi, and international peace spokespeople from around the world. Authors include a former astronaut, an Iraq war survivor, peace educators from universities worldwide, South African, Mexico and Central American peace negotiators, Peace Gardens creators and many more whose inspirational stories will set your heart aflame Seeking peace is a universal quest.
An anthology of 26 diverse stories of peace - achieving peace inwardly, through social activism or through inter-personal dialogue, enjoy the insp...