Based on the beloved animated feature (winner of the NEA's Award of Excellence.) Young Christopher Bee was a respectable member of the hive - until he met Doddsy the pirate ant. Falsely accused of stealing the Queen's crown, Chris is banished, but soon finds his place among an amusing cast of misfits in a world where a patch of clover is a mighty jungle and a backyard pond is a vast ocean. A delightful fable of love and forgiveness, with over 150 color illustrations.
Based on the beloved animated feature (winner of the NEA's Award of Excellence.) Young Christopher Bee was a respectable member of the hive - until he...
There's a mysterious alternate reality occupying the same space as the visible universe. These spectacular patterns can only be revealed by a special process, based on a technique discovered over a hundred years ago, yet still unknown even to most astronomers. This is not something mystical or metaphysical, but provable, factual realities. Discover this truly amazing phenomenon for yourself
There's a mysterious alternate reality occupying the same space as the visible universe. These spectacular patterns can only be revealed by a special ...
Written and illustrated by the producer of Bad Bug Bee (winner of the National Education Association's Award of Excellence). Three bad-boy-wannabe cockroaches form a motorcycle gang. Calling themselves the Biker Bugz, they invade a bug-sized desert town. The crusty old Sheriff is unable to stop them from stealing and breaking things. But then the cool, soft-spoken Stranger arrives on a jet-powered skateboard. Without actually harming anyone, he turns the Bugz' own mischief against them, in this charming and funny parable of poetic justice.
Written and illustrated by the producer of Bad Bug Bee (winner of the National Education Association's Award of Excellence). Three bad-boy-wannabe coc...