Nobody Has To Know, Frank Nappi's dark and daring new thriller, tells the story of Cameron Baldridge, a popular high school teacher whose relationship with one of his students leads him down an unfortunate and self-destructive path. Stalked through text-messages, Baldridge fights for his life against a terrifying extortion plot and the forces that threaten to expose him. Nobody Has To Know is a sobering look into a world of secrets, lies, and shocking revelations, and will leave the reader wondering many things, including whether or not you can ever really know the person you love.
Nobody Has To Know, Frank Nappi's dark and daring new thriller, tells the story of Cameron Baldridge, a popular high school teacher whose relationship...
Spiral like its free verse and word play reflect the openness and explorative means to examine ourselves, our world, our relationships with each other, and our shared reality in relation to nature, spiritual awareness, Natural Law, Truth, freedom and morality, psychic deception and manipulation, emotional polarities, human consciousness, and the human condition as we experience it. In the spirit in which these poems were written, kindly consider that it is not an accident that you have found this book of poetry. Rather, there is a reason that you are here now. With open minds and hearts, the...
Spiral like its free verse and word play reflect the openness and explorative means to examine ourselves, our world, our relationships with each other...