School in the Park is an innovative museum-based educational effort to engage students in their community during the school day. "Challenging the Classroom Standard Through Museum-Based Education "presents the experience of School in the Park from t
School in the Park is an innovative museum-based educational effort to engage students in their community during the school day. "Challenging the Clas...
School in the Park is an innovative museum-based educational effort to engage students in their community during the school day. Since 1999 several hundred students have been educated each year in museums and the zoo in San Diego. This is more than a field trip, it is changing the way that education is provided. Challenging the Classroom Standard Through Museum-Based Education: School in the Park presents the experience of School in the Park from the perspective of different disciplines--oral language, reading, writing, social studies, math, science, and the arts--to determine how...
School in the Park is an innovative museum-based educational effort to engage students in their community during the school day. Since 1999 several hu...