This is a true story (my story) written to prove that healing is possible for all Victims of abuse; for an abuser, forgiveness can also be found if they admit their crime and ask to be forgiven. This book is not a plea for sympathy. My goal is awareness and anger. Yours and mine at the chain of injustice and destruction brought on by any abuse. Without healing, generations will suffer the effects of ONE act of child abuse. Our anger united and properly channeled can bring about positive changes.
"Chains Can Be Broken" is for anyone who has, or is acquainted with someone who has lived...
This is a true story (my story) written to prove that healing is possible for all Victims of abuse; for an abuser, forgiveness can also be found if th...
This is a true story (part two of my story) written to give hope to anyone who has, or is now, dealing with some form of abuse. This book allows the reader to experience the painful process of reliving flashbacks, memories and nightmares. Opening old wounds so that I could heal required a lot of effort and determination. The devastation of abuse at the hands of my parents and in other relationships and my steps to survive is clearly told. My parents programming was so strong that my brothers and I continued playing our role's even as adults. Everyone in the small town where I grew up thought...
This is a true story (part two of my story) written to give hope to anyone who has, or is now, dealing with some form of abuse. This book allows the r...