During his lifetime, Henri Poincare published three major philosophical books which achieved great success: "La science et l'hypothese" (1902), "La valeur de la science" (1905) and "Science et methode" (1908). After his death in 1913, a fourth volume of his philosophical works was published by his heirs as "Dernieres pensees" (1913). The four books constitute the core of Poincare's philosophic works and were given an ovation by scientific and general public. Around 1919, Gustave Le Bon wrote to Poincare's widow. As the director of the "Bibliotheque de Philosophie Scientifique at Flammarion,"...
During his lifetime, Henri Poincare published three major philosophical books which achieved great success: "La science et l'hypothese" (1902), "La va...
Pierre Edouard Bour Manuel Rebuschi Laurent Rollet
This Festschrift is published on the occasion of Gerhard Heinzmann's 60th birthday. Its title "Construction" refers to Heinzmann's philosophical options (intuitionism, dialogical pragmatism, constructivism), as well as to his exceptional involvement in the building of many scientific enterprises and new scientific institutions. Sixty authors contributed to the volume, and the gathered essays witness the various centers of interest and intellectual achievements of Heinzmann. They are organised in five sections: (1) Henri Poincare; (2) History and Philosophy of Mathematics; (3) History and...
This Festschrift is published on the occasion of Gerhard Heinzmann's 60th birthday. Its title "Construction" refers to Heinzmann's philosophical optio...
During his lifetime, Henri Poincare published three major philosophical books which achieved great success: "La science et l'hypothese" (1902), "La valeur de la science" (1905) and "Science et methode" (1908). After his death in 1913, a fourth volume of his philosophical works was published by his heirs as "Dernieres pensees" (1913). The four books constitute the core of Poincare's philosophic works and were given an ovation by scientific and general public. Around 1919, Gustave Le Bon wrote to Poincare's widow. As the director of the "Bibliotheque de Philosophie Scientifique at Flammarion,"...
During his lifetime, Henri Poincare published three major philosophical books which achieved great success: "La science et l'hypothese" (1902), "La va...
Ce cinquieme volume de la correspondance d'Henri Poincare rassemble l'ensemble des lettres envoyees par le mathematicien a sa famille durant ses annees de formation a l'Ecole polytechnique puis a l'Ecole des mines de Paris. De 1873 a 1878, Poincare ecrit plus de 300 lettres a sa mere, a sa soeur et a son pere. Une part importante de cette correspondance concerne ses etudes pour devenir ingenieur. Poincare evoque ainsi les differents evenements - importants ou anodins - qui ponctuent son parcours de formation dans les deux ecoles: les cours et les examens, les voyages d'etudes en France et...
Ce cinquieme volume de la correspondance d'Henri Poincare rassemble l'ensemble des lettres envoyees par le mathematicien a sa famille durant ses an...