With the rap1d development of computational capab1lities, nonl1near f1nite element analys1s 1n structural mechan1CS has become an 1mportant field of research. Its objective is the real1stic assessment of the actual behaV10r of structures by numerical methods. Th1S requires that all nonlinear effects, such as the nonl1near character1stics of the mater1al and large deformations be taken 1nto account. The act1vities in th1S f1eld be1ng worldw1de, d1rect 1nteraction between the various research groups 1S necessary to coordinate future research and to overcome the time gap between the generat10n...
With the rap1d development of computational capab1lities, nonl1near f1nite element analys1s 1n structural mechan1CS has become an 1mportant field of r...