a b Fig. 3.50. A child with acute onset of respiratory distress.(See Appendix 2) a b Fig. 3.51. Chronic lung disease.(See Appendix 2) way to read systematically is to evaluate the tech- and diaphragm). Now evaluate Figs.3.50 3.52.- nical factors of lung volume, patient position, and proach each one systematically and describe the - the way the ?lm was exposed. Use the radiologist s normalities you see. The answers are in the App- circle and ABCS: A=abdomen, B=bones, S=soft dix 2. tissue, and C=chest (airway, mediastinum, lungs, 03_Haller_Chest 22.10.2004 13:06 Uhr Seite 62 62 3 Chest...
a b Fig. 3.50. A child with acute onset of respiratory distress.(See Appendix 2) a b Fig. 3.51. Chronic lung disease.(See Appendix 2) way to read syst...