RF Probeheads 1. J. Link, Faellanden, Switzerland The Design of Resonator Probes with Homogeneous Radiofrequency Fields 2. M. Schnall, Philadelphia, PA/USA Probes Tuned to Multiple Frequencies for In-Vivo NMR RF Pulses 3. P.C.M. van Zijl, Rockville, MD/USA; C.T.W. Moonen, Bethesda, MD/USA Solvent Suppression Strategies for In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 4. M. Garwood, K. Ugurbil, Minneapolis, MN/USA B1 Insensitive Adiabatic RF Pulses 5. P.G. Morris, Nottingham, UK Frequency Selective Excitation Using Phase-Compensated RF Pulses in One andTwo Dimensions 6. S. Mueller, Basel,...
RF Probeheads 1. J. Link, Faellanden, Switzerland The Design of Resonator Probes with Homogeneous Radiofrequency Fields 2. M. Schnall, Philadelphia, P...
Nobody can know everything. For the successful application of techniques based on nuclear magnetic resonance to clinical problems, it is a vital necessity that individuals with widely different skills should learn a little of each others' trades by co-operation and communication. Ernest Cady has long proved himself a master of these arts to his colleagues at University College London, and by writing this excellent book he extends his experience to a wide circle of readers. Although the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) phenomenon had been predicted theoretically (and to some degree...
Nobody can know everything. For the successful application of techniques based on nuclear magnetic resonance to clinical problems, it is a vital neces...