Proceedings of a symposium on title] held at Vorarlberg, Austria, July/August 1990. In 29 review oriented papers, scientists present summaries, as well as recent research developments, concerning their fields of investigation, which include: representations of quantum groups, orthogonal polynomials
Proceedings of a symposium on title] held at Vorarlberg, Austria, July/August 1990. In 29 review oriented papers, scientists present summaries, as we...
The Symposium "Symmetries in Science V: Algebraic Systems: their Represen- tations, Realizations and Physical Applications" was held at the Landesbildungszen- trum Schloss Hofen, Vorarlberg, Austria, during the period July 30 - August 3, 1990. Leading scientists presented summaries, as well as recent research developments, con- cerning their own field of specialization to the assembled international group of re- searchers. These review-oriented presentations are included in this volume in order to make them available to the general scientific community. As was the case for the preceding...
The Symposium "Symmetries in Science V: Algebraic Systems: their Represen- tations, Realizations and Physical Applications" was held at the Landesbild...