The Internet has evolved from an academic network for data applications such as le transfer and net news, to a global general-purpose network used for a variety of different applications electronic mail, voice over IP, television, peer-to-peer le sharing, video streaming and many more. The heterogeneity of applications results in rather different application requirements in terms of bandwidth, delay, loss, etc. Ideally, the underlying network supports Quality-of-Service parameters such that - plications can request the desired services from the network and do not need to take actions by...
The Internet has evolved from an academic network for data applications such as le transfer and net news, to a global general-purpose network used for...
Die 15. GI/ITG-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2007) befasst sich mit einer groen Vielfalt von innovativen und zukunftsorientierten Fragestellungen. Sie spannt dabei einen Bogen von Overlay- und Peer-to-Peer-Netzen uber Sensornetze und mobile Ad-Hoc-Netze bis zu Web Services. Die KiVS 2007 dient der Standortbestimmung aktueller Entwicklungen, der Prasentation laufender Forschungsarbeiten und der Diskussion zukunftstrachtiger Ansatze fur die Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen.
Die 15. GI/ITG-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2007) befasst sich mit einer groen Vielfalt von innovativen und zukunftsorient...
This book, one of the first of its kind, presents mechanisms, protocols, and system architectures needed to attain end-to-end Quality of Service over heterogeneous wired and wireless networks in the Internet.
This book, one of the first of its kind, presents mechanisms, protocols, and system architectures needed to attain end-to-end Quality of Service over ...