ESPN's beloved Sports Guy replays the years leading up to the Boston Red Sox historic championship season and says goodbye to a lifetime of suffering. At least for now."The Red Sox won the World Series." To Citizen No. 1 of Red Sox Nation, those seven words meant "No more 1918 chants. No more smug glances from Yankee fans. No more worrying about living an entire life -- that's 80 years, followed by death without seeing the Red Sox win a Series." But once he was able to type those life-changing words, Bill Simmons decided to look back at his Sports Guy columns for the last...
ESPN's beloved Sports Guy replays the years leading up to the Boston Red Sox historic championship season and says goodbye to a lifetime of sufferi...
Foreword by Malcolm Gladwell Newly updated with fresh takes on LeBron, Kobe, the Celtics & more* Bill Simmons, the wildly opinionated and thoroughly entertaining basketball addict known to millions as s The Sports Guy, has written the definitive book on the past, present, and future of the NBA. From the age-old question of who actually won the rivalry between Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain to the one about which team was truly the best of all time, Simmons opens and then closes, once and for all every major pro basketball debate. Then he takes it further by completely...
Foreword by Malcolm Gladwell Newly updated with fresh takes on LeBron, Kobe, the Celtics & more* Bill Simmons, the wildly opinionated and tho...
Five days ago a young man kisses his wife good-bye. He climbs aboard an old vintage plane with his buddies. He and they are catapulted back through time and lands right in the middle of a world at war. He watches his friends die. He is not a soldier but learns how to be one. He learns to fight. He Learns to survive. ........when their plane passed through that abnormality it passed through some sort of fold in time. A fold in time to our past of almost seventy years ago. ........those men jumped from that plane of today and landed in our past. ........they landed right smack in the middle of,...
Five days ago a young man kisses his wife good-bye. He climbs aboard an old vintage plane with his buddies. He and they are catapulted back through ti...
In Short Stories & Tall Tales, author Bill Simmons weaves together stories of his own life to explore the complicated-and forever incomplete-map of human behavior and the peculiar ways people operate. These eighteen short stories (and one essay) cover a wide range of topics and subjects but always circle back to a fascination with life and the pursuit of purpose. In "But the Angel Never Came," a young widow cries out to God to heal her disabled son, and when things don't go as planned, she sees only one solution left for her. In "His Honor Is No Soothsayer," a judge watches in total...
In Short Stories & Tall Tales, author Bill Simmons weaves together stories of his own life to explore the complicated-and forever incomplete...