A brilliant, serious and goof-rendered life cycle punctuated, constantly, with castration, abortions and suicide. Pageantry, cliches, cynicism and Catullus-like military exercises dedicated to and dragged over time's tender acne. A sordid and jaded love story ("we rubbed our anuses together in a field") garnished with bosses and workers who fuck everything, bubbling up shared panic and annihilation in "the urine of a girl who already forgot you."
Rauan Klassnik
From Schism 2] Press
A brilliant, serious and goof-rendered life cycle punctuated, constantly, with castration, abortions and suicide. Pag...
Fiction. Drama. Film. Sean Kilpatrick may be the P.G. Wodehouse of Hell. The blistering anger of his deliciously delirious rants delivers more cathartic mirth than provocation, and the ever-present poetic invention and subtly tidy thematic organization hiding in plain sight behind the ultra-violence inflicted on reader, characters, language and meaning suggest, in the end, a graceful and always musical accommodation to form. In this faux sequel to a Steven Seagal movie written in "80s Shakespeare," cultural icons Laurie Anderson, Michael Jackson, "Sir" William Forsythe, and assorted other...
Fiction. Drama. Film. Sean Kilpatrick may be the P.G. Wodehouse of Hell. The blistering anger of his deliciously delirious rants delivers more cathart...