In a story set during Season Two of the hit BBC America show, the roommates find their hands full with a ghost to help and mysterious deaths to solveAnnie has learned quite a bit about her new friend Gemma: she s from Bristol, she used to work in a pharmacy, and she s never forgiven herself for the suicide of her teenage son. She also died 10years ago and doesn t know why she s come back through that door. Perhaps it has something to do with the new road they re building through the rundown part of town. The plans are sparking protests, and Annie knows those derelict...
In a story set during Season Two of the hit BBC America show, the roommates find their hands full with a ghost to help and mysterious deaths to ...
Explore the rich history of Doctor Who like never before, through colorful and creative visualizations and infographics in this captivating, intriguing, beautiful, and strange compendium.
The Doctor's family tree, the strangest weapons in the whole universe, the frequency of the letter -A- in the names of companions--these curiosities, and many others, are explored in detail, complete with visually-stunning infographics in Doctor Who: Whographica.
Each double-page spread presents a fascinating, visual insight into a particular aspect of Doctor Who....
Explore the rich history of Doctor Who like never before, through colorful and creative visualizations and infographics in this captivatin...
1500BC - King Actaeus and his subjects live in mortal fear of the awesome gods who have come to visit their kingdom in ancient Greece. Except the Doctor, visiting with university student June, knows they're not gods at all. They're aliens.
1500BC - King Actaeus and his subjects live in mortal fear of the awesome gods who have come to visit their kingdom in ancient Greece. Except the Doct...
We're all stories in the end... In this exciting collection you'll find all-new stories spinning off from some of your favourite Doctor Who moments across the history of the series.
We're all stories in the end... In this exciting collection you'll find all-new stories spinning off from some of your favourite Doctor Who moments ...