Is this your life? You've been feeling just plain awful for far too long -- depressed, exhausted, achy, stressed-out, bloated, and forgetful. In fact, you're beginning to find it hard to remember the last time you felt really well -- or even just okay. You may be suffering from what Dr. David Edelberg calls the "Triple Whammy" -- a three-pronged assault on body and mind made up of unrelenting stress, low levels of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin, and your ever-shifting hormones. You can benefit from The Triple Whammy Cure, a simple but highly effective three-week plan that...
Is this your life? You've been feeling just plain awful for far too long -- depressed, exhausted, achy, stressed-out, bloated, and forgetful. In fact,...
Fibromyalgia is real. The pain you awaken with is not in your head. You're not even remotely a hypochondriac. If anyone--doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, well- meaning loved one--ever tries to convince you otherwise, tune them out.
They are wrong.
Likewise, if anyone ever tells you fibro is incurable and you'll just have to learn to live with it, understand they're seriously misinformed.
You may even be able to fix your fibromyalgia on your own, without doctors and without drugs. This book will tell you how.
So begins author David...
Fibromyalgia is real. The pain you awaken with is not in your head. You're not even remotely a hypochondriac. If anyone--doctor, chiropractor, phys...