Weather and climate are of concern to virtually all countries worldwide. For many countries the economy depends largely on agriculture, which is significantly affected by variations in weather and climate. This volume contains many original findings on weather and climate related to atmospheric and oceanic processes through mathematical modeling, numerical simulations, and field experiments and it will be useful as a reading material in graduate level courses dealing with weather, climate, boundary layer and air quality. The scientific community at large, especially younger scientists,...
Weather and climate are of concern to virtually all countries worldwide. For many countries the economy depends largely on agriculture, which is si...
Weather and climate are of concern to virtually all countries worldwide. For many countries the economy depends largely on agriculture, which is significantly affected by variations in weather and climate. This volume contains many original findings on weather and climate related to atmospheric and oceanic processes through mathematical modeling, numerical simulations, and field experiments and it will be useful as a reading material in graduate level courses dealing with weather, climate, boundary layer and air quality. The scientific community at large, especially younger scientists,...
Weather and climate are of concern to virtually all countries worldwide. For many countries the economy depends largely on agriculture, which is si...
Understanding, modeling and prediction of mesoscale processes in the atmosphere, ocean and environmental systems, have gained importance in the last decade or so. This is because of the availability of more sophisticated observational systems, provided by technological innovations and more realistic simulations using advanced dynamical models.
This volume contains many original findings on mesoscale processes in atmospheric and oceanic systems through mathematical modeling, numerical simulations and field experiments. These scientific papers examine and provide the latest...
Understanding, modeling and prediction of mesoscale processes in the atmosphere, ocean and environmental systems, have gained importance in the las...