What is computer graphics and what are the conceptual tasks of research in this area? To the average person the term still conveys more or less the design of - gos and the manipulation of pictures with the help of image-editing programs. However, during the past four decades, computer graphics has evolved into an innovative multifaceted ?eld of research and computing that affects many other sciences. In many areas and for many problems we can best convey an und- standing through images that trigger our sense with the highest capability: our eye. And, what is more, aside from algorithms,...
What is computer graphics and what are the conceptual tasks of research in this area? To the average person the term still conveys more or less the de...
What is computer graphics and what are the conceptual tasks of research in this area? To the average person the term still conveys more or less the design of - gos and the manipulation of pictures with the help of image-editing programs. However, during the past four decades, computer graphics has evolved into an innovative multifaceted ?eld of research and computing that affects many other sciences. In many areas and for many problems we can best convey an und- standing through images that trigger our sense with the highest capability: our eye. And, what is more, aside from algorithms,...
What is computer graphics and what are the conceptual tasks of research in this area? To the average person the term still conveys more or less the de...
Was tut man, wenn die Resonanz auf eine Vorlesung ein uberaus starkes Interesse am Stoffgebiet erkennen lasst? Man schreibt ein Buch daruber. So auch in diesem Fall, in dem eine an der Universitat Karlsruhe gehaltene Vorlesung Grundlage und Motivation bildete. In der vorliegenden Form richtet sich das Buch an Studenten der Informatik, der Mathematik und der Ingenieurwissenschaften, die mit algorithmischen Problemen der graphischen Datenverarbeitung konfrontiert sind. Allerdings ist dies kein Buch fur Einsteiger, sondern eher fur Leser mit Grundkenntnissen in der Computergra phik. Es wird eine...
Was tut man, wenn die Resonanz auf eine Vorlesung ein uberaus starkes Interesse am Stoffgebiet erkennen lasst? Man schreibt ein Buch daruber. So auch ...