It is my strong belief that writing a textbook consti- versity of Athens, Greece, for her contribution as a tutes an obligation for the academician towards his co-author of Chap. 16 Prophylactic and Therap- students, as well as towards his colleagues who are in tic Use of Antibiotics in Dentistry. search of continuing education. Dr. C. Alexandridis, Professor and Chairman, De- Keeping this obligation in mind and given the partment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School developments in the field of oral and maxillofacial of Dentistry, University of Athens, Greece, for surgery and the recent...
It is my strong belief that writing a textbook consti- versity of Athens, Greece, for her contribution as a tutes an obligation for the academician to...
It is my strong belief that writing a textbook consti- versity of Athens, Greece, for her contribution as a tutes an obligation for the academician towards his co-author of Chap. 16 Prophylactic and Therap- students, as well as towards his colleagues who are in tic Use of Antibiotics in Dentistry. search of continuing education. Dr. C. Alexandridis, Professor and Chairman, De- Keeping this obligation in mind and given the partment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School developments in the field of oral and maxillofacial of Dentistry, University of Athens, Greece, for surgery and the recent...
It is my strong belief that writing a textbook consti- versity of Athens, Greece, for her contribution as a tutes an obligation for the academician to...