Proposing a wide range of mathematical models that are currently used in life sciences may be regarded as a challenge, and that is precisely the challenge that this book takes up. Of course this panoramic study does not claim to offer a detailed and exhaustive view of the many interactions between mathematical models and life sciences. This textbook provides a general overview of realistic mathematical models in life sciences, considering both deterministic and stochastic models and covering dynamical systems, game theory, stochastic processes and statistical methods. Each mathematical...
Proposing a wide range of mathematical models that are currently used in life sciences may be regarded as a challenge, and that is precisely the ch...
Le but de cet ouvrage est de presenter un panorama de differentes methodes mathematiques utilisees pour la modelisation de phenomenes issus du vivant. Nous avons voulu etre le plus large possible, incluant ainsi a la fois les methodes deterministes (systemes dynamiques, theorie des jeux) et les methodes stochastiques (processus aleatoires, statistiques). Chaque modele mathematique propose est accompagne d'un exemple concret eclairant la modelisation retenue.
Le but de cet ouvrage est de presenter un panorama de differentes methodes mathematiques utilisees pour la modelisation de phenomenes issus du vivant....