The goal of this transdisciplinary book is to identify the problems and challenges facing implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - from the global, regional and local points of view. The valuation and conservation of biodiversity are critical first steps necessary for the adequate protection of the environment. The authors give insights into the the influences the CBD exerts, and current trends in the field.
The goal of this transdisciplinary book is to identify the problems and challenges facing implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity ...
The goal of this transdisciplinary book is to identify the problems and challenges facing implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - from the global, regional and local points of view. The valuation and conservation of biodiversity are critical first steps necessary for the adequate protection of the environment. The authors give insights into the the influences the CBD exerts, and current trends in the field.
The goal of this transdisciplinary book is to identify the problems and challenges facing implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity ...
Die Klimabewegung ist eine erst vor wenigen Jahren entstandene soziale Bewegung. Zu ihren Mitgliedern zahlen Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs), Netzwerke, Aktivisten und andere Akteure. Sie engagieren sich auf lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene gegen die gesellschaftlichen Ursachen des Klimawandels und fur die gerechte Eindammung seiner Folgen. Auch aufgrund ihrer vielfaltigen Akteure und Aktionsformen ist die Klimabewegung bereits heute zu einem wichtigen Faktor fur die Zukunft des Politikfelds herangewachsen. Das Handbuch gibt einen aktuellen und systematischen Uberblick...
Die Klimabewegung ist eine erst vor wenigen Jahren entstandene soziale Bewegung. Zu ihren Mitgliedern zahlen Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs), ...
This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the growing international climate movement. A dual focus on climate politics and civil society provides a hitherto unavailable broad and systematic analysis of the current global movement, highlighting how its dynamic and diverse character can play an important role in environmental politics and climate protection.
The range of contributors, from well-known academics to activist-scholars, look at climate movements in the developed and developing world, north and south, small and large, central and marginal. The movement is examined as a...
This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the growing international climate movement. A dual focus on climate politics and civil society p...