This present volume is the Proceedings of the 18th International C- ference on Nearrings and Near?elds held in Hamburg at the Universit] at derBundeswehrHamburgfromJuly27toAugust03,2003. ThisConf- ence was organized by Momme Johs Thomsen and Gerhard Saad from the Universit] at der Bundeswehr Hamburg and by Alexander Kreuzer, Hubert Kiechle and Wen-Ling Huang from the Universit] a ]t Hamburg. It was already the second Conference on Nearrings and Near?elds in Hamburg after the Conference on Nearrings and Near?elds at the same venue from July 30 to August 06, 1995....
This present volume is the Proceedings of the 18th International C- ference on Nearrings and Near?elds held in Hamburg at the Universit] at derBundesw...