Climate change, non-sustainable land management and the insufficient participation of the local population leads to land degradation problems in parts of the Altai Region, which includes the territory of China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and the Russian Federation. This territory is characterized by mountain and steppe landscapes, high biological diversity and a high dependency on natural resources. An environmentally sustainable use of natural resources remains a fundamental foundation for sustainable economic and social development. The achievement of ecologically sound land management...
Climate change, non-sustainable land management and the insufficient participation of the local population leads to land degradation problems in pa...
Climate change, non-sustainable land management and the insufficient participation of the local population leads to land degradation problems in parts of the Altai Region, which includes the territory of China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and the Russian Federation. This territory is characterized by mountain and steppe landscapes, high biological diversity and a high dependency on natural resources. An environmentally sustainable use of natural resources remains a fundamental foundation for sustainable economic and social development. The achievement of ecologically sound land management...
Climate change, non-sustainable land management and the insufficient participation of the local population leads to land degradation problems in pa...
After the sovjet era and since their independence the new Central Asian countries are rebuilding a system of water resources management: an important challenge for the development of the whole region. The NATO workshop held on 25-27 August 2003 by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Germany and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, attended by experts from five Central Asian countries, Russia, six Western European countries, the US and the UNEP offered water engineers and nature scientists as well as economic and political scientists and practitioners from water...
After the sovjet era and since their independence the new Central Asian countries are rebuilding a system of water resources management: an importa...
After the sovjet era and since their independence the new Central Asian countries are rebuilding a system of water resources management: an important challenge for the development of the whole region. The NATO workshop held on 25-27 August 2003 by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Germany and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, attended by experts from five Central Asian countries, Russia, six Western European countries, the US and the UNEP offered water engineers and nature scientists as well as economic and political scientists and practitioners from water...
After the sovjet era and since their independence the new Central Asian countries are rebuilding a system of water resources management: an importa...
Mindestvoraussetzungen nach EG-Verordnung 1907/90 und 1274/ 91 zur Berechtigung der Deklaration der Eier aus: Bodenhaltung maximal sieben Huhner pro m- Bodenflikhe mindestens ein Drittel der Bodenflache ist mit Streumaterial wie Stroh, Holzspane, Sand oder Torf bedeckt - ein ausreichender Teil der Stallflaehe dient zur Aufnahme der Ausscheidungen der Huhner. Volierenhaltung 2 die Bestandsdiehte darf maximal 25 Hennen pro m Stallflache betragen das Gebaudeinnere muB mit Sitzstangen ausgestattet sein, die jedem Huhn mindestens eine Sitzplatzbreite von 15 em gewahrt. Auslaufhaltung...
Mindestvoraussetzungen nach EG-Verordnung 1907/90 und 1274/ 91 zur Berechtigung der Deklaration der Eier aus: Bodenhaltung maximal sieben Huhner pro m...