Graph theory is very much tied to the geometric properties of optimization and combinatorial optimization. Moreover, graph theory's geometric properties are at the core of many research interests in operations research and applied mathematics. Its techniques have been used in solving many classical problems including maximum flow problems, independent set problems, and the traveling salesman problem.
GRAPH THEORY AND COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION explores the field's classical foundations and its developing theories, ideas and applications to new problems....
Graph theory is very much tied to the geometric properties of optimization and combinatorial optimization. Moreover, graph theory's geometric prope...
Graph theory is very much tied to the geometric properties of optimization and combinatorial optimization. Moreover, graph theory's geometric properties are at the core of many research interests in operations research and applied mathematics. Its techniques have been used in solving many classical problems including maximum flow problems, independent set problems, and the traveling salesman problem.
GRAPH THEORY AND COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION explores the field's classical foundations and its developing theories, ideas and applications to new problems....
Graph theory is very much tied to the geometric properties of optimization and combinatorial optimization. Moreover, graph theory's geometric prope...
Ratselhafte Ereignisse sind Gegenstand der Ermittlungen von Maurice Manori -- Kriminalinspektor alias Agrapheur (Graf der Graphen). Den Spitznamen verdankt er seinen ebenso effizienten wie unkonventionellen Methoden. In der Tat verfugt er uber ein furchterregendes Werkzeug zur Ergreifung der Schuldigen in seinen Kriminalfallen: die Graphentheorie. Auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit reisst er Sie mit in die Untiefen dieser mathematischen Disziplin mit vielfaltigen Anwendungen. Das vorliegende Buch ist ein wunderbares Werkzeug zur popularwissenschaftlichen Verbreitung dieser noch recht unbekannten...
Ratselhafte Ereignisse sind Gegenstand der Ermittlungen von Maurice Manori -- Kriminalinspektor alias Agrapheur (Graf der Graphen). Den Spitznamen ver...