This book is the first comprehensive academic effort to examine the phenomenon of top female political leaders in Asia. It portrays prime ministers, presidents, and opposition leaders, but it is not a conventional biographical volume. Rather, it analyzes female politicians by means of case studies that are based on a common theoretical framework. The case studies were conducted over three years of field research, which included interviews with the female leaders themselves and members of their inner circle. Each chapter explores the similarities, but also points to the distinctiveness of each...
This book is the first comprehensive academic effort to examine the phenomenon of top female political leaders in Asia. It portrays prime ministers, p...
In diesem Band widmen sich 14 AutorInnen aus vergleichender politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive der Frage von Bedeutung und Deutung von Wahlen weltweit. Leitend ist fur die AutorInnen des Bandes die Erkenntnis aus der jungeren Wahlsystemforschung, dass eine Aufgabe heute gerade darin besteht, die jeweiligen Kontexte naher zu bestimmen, in denen Wahlen stattfinden und innerhalb derer Wahlsysteme eine bestimmte Wirkung entfalten. Es gilt, Abschied zu nehmen von vormals als universal betrachteten, indes eindimensional und haufig monokausal gefassten Theorien. Die Theoriediskussion erfordert...
In diesem Band widmen sich 14 AutorInnen aus vergleichender politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive der Frage von Bedeutung und Deutung von Wahlen weltw...
The relationship between social movements and their countermovements is an underrepresented research topic, given the bulk of social movement studies that have been published to date. Moreover, empirical research on this topic primarily covers certain geographic areas of the world, specifically what is commonly called the global North. The mobilization of religious and women's movements against social change, which strive for a preservation of the status quo and can be held responsible for a delayed expansion of reform-oriented interest articulation, is a rare topic of social movement...
The relationship between social movements and their countermovements is an underrepresented research topic, given the bulk of social movement studies ...
Whereas Area Studies and cross-border cooperation research conventionally demarcates groups of people by geographical boundaries, individuals might in fact feel more connected by shared values and principles than by conventional spatial dimensions. Knowledge Production, Area Studies and Global Cooperation asks what norms and principles lead to the creation of knowledge about cross-border cooperation and connection. It studies why theories, methods, and concepts originate in one place rather than another, how they travel, and what position the scholar adopts while doing research,...
Whereas Area Studies and cross-border cooperation research conventionally demarcates groups of people by geographical boundaries, individuals might...