Trilochan Das, Dhanna Jat and the Stone Idols is a story about how Sant Mat initiates should do their devotion with love and faith. The story was originally given by Sant Ram Singh Ji Aug. 15, 2016 in Channasandra Ashram, near Bangalore, India. The story has been adapted with Sant Ram Singh's permission so children can more easily grasp its deep significance. The book is illustrated with vibrant colors and whimsical characters which makes the story appealing to both adults and children.
To read the entire story in PDF format for free, please visit
Trilochan Das, Dhanna Jat and the Stone Idols is a story about how Sant Mat initiates should do their devotion with love and faith. The story was orig...
Narad Muni and The Benefit of the Company of a Sadhu shows the importance of spending as much time as possible with a Living Sant Mat Master.
It's a beautiful story demonstrating that the Love we receive from a Living Master, the Grace we receive from a Living Master, the Friendship we receive from a Living Master, all the Gifts we receive from a Living Master, are impossible to receive anywhere except in the company of a Living Master until we have gone within.
Vibrant illustrations of joyful color combinations create whimsical characters that complement the...
Narad Muni and The Benefit of the Company of a Sadhu shows the importance of spending as much time as possible with a Living Sant Ma...
The story shows how a devotee's attachments bring suffering to him. The disciple spends no time in devotion and focuses completely on his worldly desires. Yet, Guru Nanak ultimately showers His Grace and liberates the disciple.
To read the entire story in PDF format for free, please visit as there are some reviewers who think there is too much violence for young children. Thank you.
The story shows how a devotee's attachments bring suffering to him. The disciple spends no time in devotion and focuses completely on his worldly d...
The Greedy Devotee shows the importance of listening to and accepting what one's guru or Master says. As hard as it is to truly accept, on a day to day basis, that our Master knows best, when we don't listen to Him, life painfully teaches us the Reality that, in fact, our Master does know best. When we fail to obey His words, we end up like the devotee in this story.
Carlos Brito's beautiful illustrations complement the words in a fun, whimsical and beautiful way which might make it easier to deepen our trust and love for our Master, Who always has our best interests at heart. We...
The Greedy Devotee shows the importance of listening to and accepting what one's guru or Master says. As hard as it is to truly accept, on a day to...