"When Down is Up" is the story of John Albert Wilkat, a courageous young man with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy.
"He never wanted people to see him as different, even though he did realize, to some extent, that he was. He always wanted to be accepted as "one of the crowd." It was when people were talking about him saying, "John has Down Syndrome," that he would always correct them saying, "I'm not Down Syndrome. I'm UP SYNDROME." And "Up Syndrome" he was, in so very many ways.
From John you could learn that the world is a place of many different people. It is a world where sometimes...
"When Down is Up" is the story of John Albert Wilkat, a courageous young man with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy.
"When Down is Up" is the story of John Albert Wilkat, a courageous young man with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy.
"He never wanted people to see him as different, even though he did realize, to some extent, that he was. He always wanted to be accepted as "one of the crowd." It was when people were talking about him saying, "John has Down Syndrome," that he would always correct them saying, "I'm not Down Syndrome. I'm UP SYNDROME." And "Up Syndrome" he was, in so very many ways.
From John you could learn that the world is a place of many different people. It is a world where sometimes...
"When Down is Up" is the story of John Albert Wilkat, a courageous young man with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy.