"The Life and Death of Fame" is a suspense thriller that tells the tale of Holly Durden. Holly is a simple girl who longs to be famous, with all the attention, happiness, and financial rewards it brings. She meets Ben who claims to be a fame broker. This little known occupation consists of a lot of behind the scenes work to help his clients to garner fame in whatever ways present themselves as well as manipulating situations to help them keep and increase what they have gained. As Holly gains fame she gets a generous taste of both sides of it. She also learns valuable lessons about her own...
"The Life and Death of Fame" is a suspense thriller that tells the tale of Holly Durden. Holly is a simple girl who longs to be famous, with all the a...
Peter Aldred is a highly successful entrepeneur who made his fortune back in the nineties when he spotted the opportunities that the internet had to offer. He has since gone on to pioneer a whole host of new business ideas and has very much become a business angel. His great passions are making a difference in our world and working with people who wish to do the same. One of his favourite expressions is: ...All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men...
Peter Aldred is a highly successful entrepeneur who made his fortune back in the nineties when he spotted the opportunities that the internet had to o...