The purpose of this book is to explore inner speech and its connections to second language (L2) learning. Inner speech, or silent self-directed speaking, enables the faculty to think words and is the main instrument for verbal thought. Inner speech originates in first language (L1) social discourse and develops in childhood through a process of internalization. In this book, it is postulated that, given certain conditions of L2 learning, it is possible to develop L2 inner speech as a result of the interiorization of L2 social speech. Inner speech has been quite extensively investigated from...
The purpose of this book is to explore inner speech and its connections to second language (L2) learning. Inner speech, or silent self-directed speaki...
According to Vygotsky (1986), The decreasing vocalization of egocentric speech denotes a developing abstraction from sound, the child's new faculty to "think words" instead of pronouncing them. This is the positive meaning of the sinking coefficient of egocentric speech. The downward curve indicates development toward inner speech, (p. 230) The purpose of this volume is to explore the faculty to "think words," not as the ability to mentally evoke words in the native (or first) language (LI) but as the faculty 1 to conjure up in the mind words in a second language (L2). To think words rather...
According to Vygotsky (1986), The decreasing vocalization of egocentric speech denotes a developing abstraction from sound, the child's new faculty to...