Davis beschreibt den anhaltenden Kampf um Freiheit in zeithistorischen und aktuellen Widerstandsbewegungen
Von der südafrikanischen Anti-Apartheid-Bewegung bis zur Schwarzen US-amerikanischen Freiheitsbewegung: Anhand von Schriften, Gesprächen und Vorträgen untersucht die international bekannte Aktivistin und Wissenschaftlerin Angela Y. Davis die Schnittmengen und Verbindungen von Befreiungskämpfen gegen Unterdrückung, Ausbeutung und Gewalt rund um unseren Planeten. Davis plädiert dafür, eine weltumspannende Bewegung zur Befreiung der Menschheit aufzubauen und erinnert daran, dass die...
Davis beschreibt den anhaltenden Kampf um Freiheit in zeithistorischen und aktuellen Widerstandsbewegungen
Amidst war, economic meltdown, and ecological crisis, a "new spirit of radicalism is blooming" from New York to Cairo, according to Chris Dixon. In Another Politics, he examines the trajectory of efforts that contributed to the radicalism of Occupy Wall Street and other recent movement upsurges. Drawing on voices of leading organizers across the United States and Canada, he delivers an engaging presentation of the histories and principles that shape many contemporary struggles. Dixon outlines the work of activists aligned with anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppression...
Amidst war, economic meltdown, and ecological crisis, a "new spirit of radicalism is blooming" from New York to Cairo, according to Chris Dixon. In An...
Anne McCarty Braden (1924--2006) rejected her segregationist, privileged past to become one of the civil rights movement's staunchest white allies. In 1954 she was charged with sedition by McCarthy-style politicians who played on fears of communism to preserve southern segregation. Though Braden remained controversial -- even within the civil rights movement -- in 1963 she became one of only five white southerners whose contributions to the movement were commended by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in his famed "Letter from Birmingham Jail." Braden's activism ultimately spanned nearly six...
Anne McCarty Braden (1924--2006) rejected her segregationist, privileged past to become one of the civil rights movement's staunchest white allies....
Amidst war, economic meltdown, and ecological crisis, a new spirit of radicalism is blooming from New York to Cairo, according to Chris Dixon. In Another Politics, he examines the trajectory of efforts that contributed to the radicalism of Occupy Wall Street and other recent movement upsurges. Drawing on voices of leading organizers across the United States and Canada, he delivers an engaging presentation of the histories and principles that shape many contemporary struggles. Dixon outlines the work of activists aligned with anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppression...
Amidst war, economic meltdown, and ecological crisis, a new spirit of radicalism is blooming from New York to Cairo, according to Chris Dixon. In Anot...
Global Critical Race Feminism is the first anthology to focus explicitly on the legal rights of women of color around the world. Containing nearly thirty essays, the book addresses such topical themes as responses to white feminism; the flashpoint issue of female genital mutilation; the intersections of international law with U.S. law; -Third World- women in the -First World;- violence against women; and the global workplace.
Broadly representative, the reader addresses the role and status-legal and otherwise-of women in such countries as Cuba, New Zealand, France,...
Global Critical Race Feminism is the first anthology to focus explicitly on the legal rights of women of color around the world. Cont...