Aktuelle Standortbestimmung Luftschadstoffe in Wohnraumen sind immer haufiger Ausloser von Allergien, Kopfschmerzen, Schleimhautreizungen und Befindlichkeitsstorungen. Wer diese heimlichen "Frischluftkiller" gezielt bekampfen will, braucht umfassende Kenntnisse uber Art, Herkunft und Verbreitung dieser Stoffe. Das Buch bringt frischen Wind in die Praxis der Schadstoffbekamfung. Peter Pluschke hat das Fachwissen aller beteiligten Disziplinen zusammengefuhrt und auf der Basis der neusten Forschungsergebnisse einen anwendungsorientierten Leitfaden konzipiert. Klare...
Aktuelle Standortbestimmung Luftschadstoffe in Wohnraumen sind immer haufiger Ausloser von Allergien, Kopfschmerzen, Schleimhautreizungen un...
Indoor Air Pollution has become a major topic in environmental research and health. Most people spend more than 80% of their time in buildings and are exposed to a broad range of pollutants from indoor sources such as building materials, furniture, carpets and textiles, heating and cooking, household and consumer products, etc. The volume provides a comprehensive review of the major indoor air pollutants: volatile organic compounds, biocides, indoor particles and fibres, combustion products and micro-organisms and their metabolites. Sources and sinks of air pollutants in indoor...
Indoor Air Pollution has become a major topic in environmental research and health. Most people spend more than 80% of their time in buildings and ...
This second edition offers a comprehensive overview of the priority indoor air pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds, indoor particles and fibres, combustion products and other chemical agents that may affect health.
This second edition offers a comprehensive overview of the priority indoor air pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds, indoor particles and fi...