Fantasy fiction at its finest, The Morphients by Elizabeth Collins is part fairytale, part action-thriller. Unique and surreal, this fascinating debut novel adapts the traditions of shape shifter myths, legends, and fables. It introduces a band of men and women called The Morphients who are human-and not. Set in modern times, a malicious villain sets his sights on destroying all Morphients. At his behest, Morphients are systematically hunted, captured, and given the choice: either to be transformed into a non-changing human or be put to death. Led by Swinger Owl, and a few other likeminded,...
Fantasy fiction at its finest, The Morphients by Elizabeth Collins is part fairytale, part action-thriller. Unique and surreal, this fascinating debut...
Life, death, and everything in-between . . . This, is the story of The Crossroads of Zil. A tale about a little girl lost within her own story, ends up getting a second chance, as she leaves behind the life she once knew and ventures to a place beyond her imagination. Meeting fantastic characters along the way, the girl learns and discovers from each about their own uniqueness and how all of them play a part in the overall design of life and the girl herself. You are invited to take an incredible journey, as you follow along a little girl's travels, taking her down the roads of an...
Life, death, and everything in-between . . . This, is the story of The Crossroads of Zil. A tale about a little girl lost within her own story, ends u...
Life, death, and everything in-between . . . This, is the story of The Crossroads of Zil. A tale about a little girl lost within her own story, ends up getting a second chance, as she leaves behind the life she once knew and ventures to a place beyond her imagination. Meeting fantastic characters along the way, the girl learns and discovers from each about their own uniqueness and how all of them play a part in the overall design of life and the girl herself. You are invited to take an incredible journey, as you follow along a little girl's travels, taking her down the roads of an...
Life, death, and everything in-between . . . This, is the story of The Crossroads of Zil. A tale about a little girl lost within her own story, ends u...
Incorporate economic moat analysis for profitable investing
Why Moats Matter is a comprehensive guide to finding great companies with economic moats, or competitive advantages. This book explains the investment approach used by Morningstar, Inc., and includes a free trial to Morningstar's Research.
Economic moats--or sustainable competitive advantages--protect companies from competitors. Legendary investor Warren Buffett devised the economic moat concept. Morningstar has made it the foundation of a successful stock-investing philosophy.
Morningstar views...
Incorporate economic moat analysis for profitable investing
Why Moats Matter is a comprehensive guide to finding great companies with...
This book targets adults who need more skills to be assertive or who have the skills but feel guilty or uncomfortable being assertive. It contains a range of strategies and exercises to help people be assertive. A number of scenarios about situations where people are aggressive or passive rather than assertive are given to illustrate these behaviors. Examples are then given to illustrate assertive responses instead.
This book targets adults who need more skills to be assertive or who have the skills but feel guilty or uncomfortable being assertive. It contains a r...
Le prA(c)sent ouvrage a pour objectif d'explorer la relation entre le sacrifice de soi et la satisfaction conjugale en portant une attention particuliA]re aux disparitA(c)s sexuelles des partenaires. Au total, 150 couples hA(c)tA(c)rosexuels provenant de la province de QuA(c)bec ont rA(c)pondu aux questionnaires suivants: l'A0/00chelle d'ajustement dyadique, l'Inventaire des Syndromes psychiatriques, le Questionnaire de patrons de communication du couple, ainsi que l'Inventaire d'organisation de la personnalitA(c). Les rA(c)sultats de cette A(c)tude tA(c)moignent de la nature multifactorielle...
Le prA(c)sent ouvrage a pour objectif d'explorer la relation entre le sacrifice de soi et la satisfaction conjugale en portant une attention particuli...