My first year in graduate school marked by initial expo- sure to Heidegger and some of his important early essays. At tha time, disenchanted with the state in which "religious thought" lay, I was quickly struck by the potential Heidegger presented for breaking new ground in a field that had seeming- ly exhausted itself by reworking the same old issues and answers. That insight, along with the conviction that Heideg- ger had been misused and misunderstood by theologians and religious thinkers ever since he burst upon the intellectual scene with the publ ication of Sein und Zei t, grew...
My first year in graduate school marked by initial expo- sure to Heidegger and some of his important early essays. At tha time, disenchanted with the ...
My first year in graduate school marked by initial expo sure to Heidegger and some of his important early essays. At tha time, disenchanted with the state in which "religious thought" lay, I was quickly struck by the potential Heidegger presented for breaking new ground in a field that had seeming ly exhausted itself by reworking the same old issues and answers. That insight, along with the conviction that Heideg ger had been misused and misunderstood by theologians and religious thinkers ever since he burst upon the intellectual scene with the publ ication of Sein und Zei t, grew throughout...
My first year in graduate school marked by initial expo sure to Heidegger and some of his important early essays. At tha time, disenchanted with the s...